Now Accepting New Patients!
When you visit Cornelia Dental, you can rest assured that we will solve all your dental problems. From general services such as cleaning, filling cavities, tooth removals, and cosmetic work such as dentures and teeth whiting, you can count on Cornelia Dental to fulfill your needs! If you need a dental job done, call Cornelia Dental today to schedule an appointment!
When you visit Cornelia Dental, you can rest assured that we will solve all your dental problems. From general services such as cleaning, filling cavities, tooth removals, and cosmetic work such as dentures and teeth whiting, you can count on Cornelia Dental to fulfill your needs! If you need a dental job done, call Cornelia Dental today to schedule an appointment!
When you visit Cornelia Dental, you can rest assured that we will solve all your dental problems. From general services such as cleaning, filling cavities, tooth removals, and cosmetic work such as dentures and teeth whiting, you can count on Cornelia Dental to fulfill your needs! If you need a dental job done, call Cornelia Dental today to schedule an appointment!
When you visit Cornelia Dental, you can rest assured that we will solve all your dental problems. From general services such as cleaning, filling cavities, tooth removals, and cosmetic work such as dentures and teeth whiting, you can count on Cornelia Dental to fulfill your needs! If you need a dental job done, call Cornelia Dental today to schedule an appointment!
We understand that many people are afraid of going to the dentist. Ask us how to provide you with a relaxed, pain-free experience by using Nitrous Oxide. In addition to comprehensive dental care, you can also take advantage of Lumineers veneers, Invisalign clear aligners, and Boost teeth whitening, resulting in a straight, bright smile. Schedule an appointment with Cornelia Dental today!
We understand that many people are afraid of going to the dentist. Ask us how to provide you with a relaxed, pain-free experience by using Nitrous Oxide. In addition to comprehensive dental care, you can also take advantage of Lumineers veneers, Invisalign clear aligners, and Boost teeth whitening, resulting in a straight, bright smile. Schedule an appointment with Cornelia Dental today!
Phone: (706) 778-8645
105 Highland Ave Cornelia, Georgia 30531
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